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Why You Should Replace Your Metal Fillings

November 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:21 pm
Illustration of teeth that should replace metal fillings

Until fairly recently, a metal-based material called silver amalgam was the primary means that dentist used to fill cavities. While the amalgam has its advantages, it also comes with some big downsides — it can even pose a threat to your overall health. In this blog post, we will discuss why you should replace metal fillings in East Hartford with biocompatible tooth-colored fillings.

The Health Risks of Metal Fillings

Silver amalgam contains several different types of metal, the most prominent of which is mercury. The mercury allows the amalgam to be flexible enough to fit into cavities. Unfortunately, mercury is also known to be quite toxic. For many years, it was believed that amalgam fillings were safe because the mercury stayed in the teeth and could not get into the bloodstream. However, a 2016 study indicates otherwise.

The study looked at data from more than 15,000 people. The researchers found that individuals with more than eight metal fillings had 150% more mercury in their blood than people with no metal fillings. Its presence may be due to mercury vapors that escape from the fillings and are subsequently inhaled.

There is also a large body of anecdotal evidence that highlights the health risks of metal fillings. Many patients have complained about symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.

Tooth-Colored Fillings Are a Safe Alternative

Whether you are concerned about the health risks of metal fillings or you want to replace them for purely aesthetic reasons, visit a dentist who offers tooth-colored fillings in East Hartford. Tooth-colored fillings are completely metal-free and mercury-free. They are composed out of a flexible resin that contains plastic, glass, and other materials that work well with the human body. They can even be precisely shade-matched to blend in with the color of the surrounding dentition.

Aside from their mercury-free nature, tooth-colored fillings offer some outstanding additional benefits:

  • They are less reactive to temperatures than metal fillings, which can keep dental sensitivity to a minimum
  • They can last for several years before replacement becomes necessary
  • They bond with the surrounding dental structure, creating a tight seal

What to Expect with Filling Replacement

While your dentist is removing your metal fillings, they will take appropriate precautions to minimize your exposure to mercury vapors. After the fillings are out, the tooth-colored filling material will be inserted. A light will harden it within just a few seconds, and you will be able to drink and eat immediately following your appointment. Depending on how many fillings you need to have replaced, you may be in the dental office for less than one hour.

Have you been thinking about replacing your metal fillings? Doing so may prove beneficial for your overall health and improve the appearance of your teeth.

About the Practice

Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut features an expansive team of dentists and specialists who offer a broad range of services, including tooth-colored fillings. If you would like to learn more about how we can replace your old metal fillings, contact us at 860-367-8326.

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