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Buyer Beware! The Dangers of Overusing Store-Bought Teeth Whitening

May 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:22 pm
Man placing whitening strip on his teeth

It seems like over-the-counter teeth whitening products are everywhere, including online retailers, big box stores, and grocery stores. Some of these items are good for reducing the appearance of mild to moderate dental discoloration. However, caution is in order. Not only do these store-bought products not deliver the same results as professional options, but they could even end up harming your teeth if you overuse them! This blog post provides some important information that you should keep in mind about safely brightening your smile.

Be Cautious When Whitening Your Teeth

Store-bought whitening products usually contain peroxide, which can penetrate the tooth enamel and break up pigment molecules. With proper use, they are unlikely to cause any harm. However, overuse is a different story. It might lead to some unpleasant consequences, including:

  • Translucent teeth. Overuse of whitening products can make your teeth appear translucent instead of white. This sad outcome cannot be reversed.
  • Enamel erosion. Excessive exposure to peroxide-based products can weaken the tooth enamel, causing it to become thin. In turn, this increases the risk of dental sensitivity and decay.
  • Soft tissue irritation. Your gums and other soft oral tissues can become sore and inflamed if they are exposed to whitening products too frequently or for extended periods of time.

Some over-the-counter whitening products do not rely on peroxide. However, that does not make them safe. They may contain very abrasive ingredients that could cause serious harm to your tooth enamel.

Whitening Your Teeth Safely

Here are some practical steps you can take to brighten your smile without sacrificing its health and safety:

  • Talk to your dentist. After a thorough examination, your dentist can let you know whether it is safe to whiten your teeth. They will consider the health of your teeth and gums, the length of time since your last whitening treatment, and other factors.
  • Consider professional whitening services. These tend to be more effective than over-the-counter options. They are also safer because they are supervised by a highly trained oral health team.
  • Compare products. If you decide to use an over-the-counter product, be sure that it has the Seal of Approval from the American Dental Association. You should also read reviews from others who have used the product.
  • Do not overdo it. You will need to periodically touch up the results of your treatment. Ask your dentist or consult your product’s packaging to learn how often it is safe to do so. If your teeth start to feel extremely sensitive, it may be best to back off for a while and talk to your dentist.
  • Be careful with your habits. Eating a diet that has minimal potential to stain your teeth can reduce how often you feel compelled to whiten your teeth. For example, you may need to cut back on your consumption of coffee and tea.

Teeth whitening is generally safe — but only if you do it the right way. Consult your dental team to learn how you can brighten your smile without endangering it.

Meet the Practice

Our East Hartford dental team is proud to offer a full range of treatments, including convenient professional take-home whitening kits. If you are bothered by dental stains, we would be happy to consult with you so you can move forward as safely as possible. We want our patients to enjoy smiles that are both beautiful and healthy! To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut at 860-288-5786.

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