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Buyer Beware! The Dangers of Overusing Store-Bought Teeth Whitening

May 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:22 pm
Man placing whitening strip on his teeth

It seems like over-the-counter teeth whitening products are everywhere, including online retailers, big box stores, and grocery stores. Some of these items are good for reducing the appearance of mild to moderate dental discoloration. However, caution is in order. Not only do these store-bought products not deliver the same results as professional options, but they could even end up harming your teeth if you overuse them! This blog post provides some important information that you should keep in mind about safely brightening your smile.


A Brighter Smile Might Help You Land Your Next Job!

April 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:00 pm

Smiling job candidate during job interviewIf you are looking for a new job or eyeing a promotion, you may be focusing on things like polishing your resume and preparing answers for common job interview questions. Of course, you should also think about your appearance. In addition to picking the right outfit for your interview, it would be wise to give some thought to your smile. Having bright, white teeth might just help you land your dream job! How is that the case? This blog post explains.


If You Wear Dentures, Avoid These Bad Habits!

March 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:20 pm

Woman biting her fingernailsAfter you get dentures, you will no longer have to worry about cavities. However, that does not mean you can disregard the importance of caring for both your mouth and your teeth — even if those teeth are prosthetic! Here are some bad habits that you should avoid if you want to maintain your oral health and help your denture to stand the test of time:


4 Reasons to Quit Smoking When You Get Dentures

February 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:46 pm

Man saying no to offer of a cigaretteIt is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your teeth. But what if you no longer have any of your natural teeth and are going to get dentures instead? Does that mean you can smoke without any concerns about how your habit might affect your smile? Well, no. There are some big reasons why you should quit smoking when you get dentures:


Why Does My Denture Smell Bad?

January 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:09 pm

Older woman rinsing her mouth to freshen her breathWhen you are in close contact with other people, the last thing you want to do is make them feel uncomfortable by the way you smell. But what if you have dentures, and you have noticed lately that your prosthetic is carrying an unpleasant taste or odor?  That can be an embarrassing issue, but fortunately, the answer to the question “Why does my denture smell bad?” is usually pretty straightforward. It is also often an easy problem to solve!


Is Dental Insurance Worth Paying For?

October 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:32 pm

Happy, smiling woman pointing at her teethAre you looking to reduce your monthly spending? You might be in the process of canceling unnecessary services and subscriptions. But what about your dental insurance? Is it worth paying for, or should you cancel it? The answer should become obvious after you consider some of the money-saving benefits you may enjoy if you use your policy to the full.


Dental Insurance vs. a Dental Discount Plan: Which Should You Choose?

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:29 pm

Happy older man in dental treatment chairAs a money-savvy individual, you may constantly be looking for ways to reduce spending on important services, including oral healthcare. To that end, you might be thinking about purchasing a dental insurance policy or a dental discount plan. But which option is better? Both have their pros and cons. This blog post provides a generalized comparison of both arrangements to help steer you in the right direction.


3 Important Reasons to Soak Your Dentures Overnight

September 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:28 pm

Dentures in cup of water next to windowAfter a long and tiring day, have you ever been tempted to skip some parts of your nightly routine? For example, you might want to set your dentures on your nightstand or simply leave them in your mouth instead of soaking them. Either of those courses of action would be unwise. Why is it so important to soak your dentures overnight? Continue reading to discover three important reasons.


4 Ways Vaping Can Harm Your Oral Health

August 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:40 pm

Black and white photo of man using e-cigaretteIn recent times, the use of e-cigarettes (called vaping) has seen a huge boom in popularity.  It is commonly believed that vaping is better than smoking traditional cigarettes, so there is no reason why people should not indulge. Nothing could be further from the truth! Vaping can harm your oral health and negatively impact your overall wellness. This blog post describes four ways in which it could adversely affect your smile.


Can Braces Fix TMJ Disorder?

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 7:08 pm

Side view of woman’s smile with bracesTMJ disorder, often referred to simply as TMD, is a painful condition that afflicts the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is located just in front of your ears. It controls the movement of your lower jaw and plays a critical role in speaking and eating. Sadly, it can easily become stressed or injured, leading to TMD. If you have this issue, you may be wondering about your treatment options. Can braces fix TMJ disorder, or would it be better to consider other solutions? This blog post explains what you should know.


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