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5 Myths About Metal Braces — Busted!

August 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 12:29 am
Smiling young woman with braces

For decades, braces have been one of the most popular and effective ways to straighten teeth. Unfortunately, this treatment is also the victim of a lot of misinformation. You might have heard some things about metal braces that are simply not true. This blog post reveals the truth behind some common myths.

Myth #1: Braces Are Only for Young People

Braces are commonly used to straighten the teeth of teenagers, young adults, and even children. However, they are certainly not exclusive to the younger population. In fact, there is no upper age limit for this treatment. Every year, countless adults in their 30s, 40, and older enjoy successful orthodontic treatment with metal braces.

Myth #2: Braces Set Off Metal Detectors

If you choose to get braces, you might be worried that they will cause trouble for you when you are going through airport security or entering another secure facility. The truth is, though, that your braces are highly unlikely to set off metal detectors. Even if they do, there is very little risk that anyone will question you about them.

Myth #3: You Cannot Play Sports with Braces

If you play sports without proper protection for your mouth, your braces could incur damage, or you might end up with a serious oral injury. Fortunately, you can purchase a mouthguard that is made specifically to be used with braces. You will still be able to enjoy your time on the court or field without being too worried about an incident that will derail your orthodontic treatment.

Myth #4: Braces Are Extremely Painful

When you first get braces, as well as when you get them adjusted, it is normal to experience some discomfort. Usually, the sensation is very manageable with mild pain relievers and slight dietary modifications. You can expect the discomfort to go away within a few days. Extreme pain should never occur.

Myth #5: Braces Always Take a Very Long Time

The treatment timeline with braces varies from patient to patient. Some cases can take up to 3 years or longer. For most people, though, it is only necessary to wear braces for 18 – 24 months. Some people complete treatment in less than a year! During your consultation, your orthodontic care team can provide you with an educated guess as to how long you may need to wear braces.

It is also worth remembering that if you diligently comply with instructions from your care team, you can reduce the risk of unnecessary delays.

There are lots of myths about braces floating around in the world. Fortunately, the truth is not difficult to find!

Meet the Practice

The team at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut proudly offers traditional metal braces and a broad range of other services to our community.  If you have any questions about orthodontic treatment or what to expect from it, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our friendly staff at 860-288-5786.

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