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Comprehensive Dental Associates Blog

August 11 Is National Align Your Teeth Day!

July 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:30 pm

Woman’s hands holding Invisalign alignerCountless people across the U.S. have some form of dental misalignment. Due to the problems that can result from a misaligned smile, dentists and orthodontists wanted to raise awareness of the importance of taking action to straighten your teeth. That is why National Align Your Teeth Day was established in 2021. This annual holiday is fast approaching! How can you observe it? This blog post provides some helpful suggestions.


5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Smile During Summer Vacation

June 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 3:49 pm

Young couple taking selfie on airplaneAre you eager to get away from it all this summer? Whether you plan to relax on the beach, rough it in the wilderness, or explore a foreign country, you should take a moment to consider the wellness of your teeth and gums before you take off. How can you maintain a healthy smile during summer vacation? Apply these simple tips:


Veneers Are the Key to a Beach-Ready Smile

June 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 3:11 pm

Smiling man walking on the beachCountless millions of people across the U.S. plan to pack up and head to the beach this summer. Are you among them? If so, you should remember to bring all the accessories you need to have a great time, including sunscreen, your swimsuit, and of course, a genuine smile for all of your vacation photos. But what if your teeth have some aesthetic flaws that make you feel a little self-conscious? Talk to your cosmetic dentist. They might recommend that you get veneers, a transformative treatment that can be the key to achieving a beach-ready smile.


Is It Safe to Fly after a Tooth Extraction?

May 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 4:51 pm

Woman walking through airport, dragging suitcaseIt is a sad reality that the need for a tooth extraction could arise at any time. Unfortunately, the procedure can temporarily throw off your routine and interfere with your plans. It might be particularly stressful if you have travel arrangements for the near future. Is it safe to fly after a tooth extraction? Read this blog post to discover what you should know before you board your next flight.


Is It Okay to Drink Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?

April 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 11:04 pm

Margarita isolated against black backgroundUnder normal circumstances, it is perfectly acceptable to refresh yourself with a beer, wine, or cocktail. However, it is quite a different story for people who have recently undergone a significant dental procedure. Is it okay to drink alcohol after a tooth extraction? Well, no, not really. This blog post discusses why you should wait at least a week before you go back to enjoying your favorite adult beverages.


What to Expect After Root Canal Therapy

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:28 pm

Woman relaxing on sofa while recovering from root canal therapyRoot canal therapy is a remarkable procedure that can save a damaged tooth, end a debilitating toothache, and get your oral health back on track. However, many patients are nervous about undergoing it. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about — the treatment process is much more comfortable than most people anticipate. But what about the recovery period? What can you expect after root canal therapy? This simple guide explains.


Why You Might Need a Root Canal Even if You Are Not in Pain

February 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 12:33 pm

Curious man with questions about root canal therapyWhen you visit your dentist for your routine biannual exam, you may expect good news. After all, your mouth feels fine, and you have been taking good care of your smile. It might come as a big surprise, then, when you learn that you require a major treatment. Continue reading this blog post to discover why you might need a root canal even if you are not in pain.


Why Is Root Canal Retreatment Sometimes Necessary?

January 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 3:12 pm

Dental patient sitting in treatment chair, smilingHave you ever undergone root canal therapy? If so, you might remember that the experience was easier than you anticipated. Still, you may not be eager to commit to the treatment a second time when your dentist recommends it — especially if it is for the same tooth! Why is root canal retreatment sometimes necessary? What can you expect during the procedure? Continue reading to learn the answers.


Do Dentures Affect the Sense of Taste?

December 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:00 pm

Senior couple eating, thinking about dentures and taste in East HartfordEating is something that humans have to do in order to continue living. However, it is much more than a mere act of survival. It can be a comforting, joyful experience. It also has strong social elements. You should be able to fully enjoy every bite you consume! Unfortunately, if you have dentures, you might have discovered some changes to your sense of taste. What can cause this problem, and is there anything you can do about it? Read on below to learn more about the relationship between dentures and taste in East Hartford.


Keep Your Dentures White and Bright with These Easy Tips

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 1:45 pm

Close-up of toothbrush removing denture stains in East HartfordNearly everyone wants a bright, white smile — and denture wearers are no exception. Perhaps your prosthetic looked beautiful when you first received it, but after some time, you might have noticed the beginnings of discoloration. How can you reverse denture stains in East Hartford and prevent them from coming back? Read on below to learn about this important topic.


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