As a budget-conscious person, you likely want to do everything you can to save money. That should include using your dental insurance! Your policy should be viewed as a precious asset that can allow you to enjoy reduced fees on the services that you need to achieve and maintain a healthy, functional smile. How can you get the most out of your benefits? Our East Hartford team is ready to assist you. We are even in-network with many popular plans!
It is important to keep in mind that every dental insurance policy is unique. You should look at the details of your plan to find out exactly how it works in various situations.
If you have a PPO plan, your coverage might look something like this:
Your plan may also have a deductible, waiting periods before you are eligible for certain types of coverage, and an annual spending maximum. All of these details can factor into your total financial obligation.
Medical insurance focuses primarily on overall systemic health, so it does not usually cover preventive dental services or restorative treatments like fillings and crowns. Dental insurance, on the other hand, has a strong focus on preventive care. In some cases, there is a bit of crossover between dental and medical coverage. For example, they might both pay for a portion of the cost of certain types of oral surgery.
If you have a PPO dental insurance policy, you have the freedom to visit any dental practice you want, regardless of whether they are in your plan’s network. At Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut, we eagerly welcome both in-network and out-of-network patients.
If a practice is in-network with your insurance, it means they have a contract that controls prices and promotes a certain level of care. Our team is proud to be in-network with:
We accept more than 200 different dental plans, so if yours is not specifically listed here, call our team to find out whether we are in your network.
On the off-chance that we are outside of your plan’s network, we still invite you to visit us for high-quality care. Our team will be happy to verify your benefits and file claims on your behalf. You can enjoy many of the same benefits with us as you would with in-network practices.